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Apodemic – the art and science of travelling

By Luise Kloos

The “Apodemic” as art and science of the traveler developed in the beginning of the modern age and the big expeditions.

In that epoch, the renaissance, thought and research began to release themselves from the bondage of the medieval church. The intellectual foundation for a new worldview was created. A desire to research, to discover and to comprehend was born and along with it a wanderlust. This was the beginning of the age of the big expeditions.

Books were written that helped aristocrats and scholars, businessmen, artists and students on their travels. The Apodemic was a guidebook, travel know-how.

During this journey I want to learn and understand something about the Baltic countries – what are the living circumstances, what moves the people, what does it look like in those places? Daily I will write reports in my travel diary, draw outlines of my impression and take photos.

I will make a video out of these documentations.

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